Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Cherchez la Femme - The Sexist French Expression

Cherchez la Femme - The Sexist French Expression Cherchez la femme is an expression that has somewhat shifted meaning between French and English. Literally, this expression translates as look for the woman. Cherchez la Femme (Not Churchy la Femme) English Meaning In English, this expression means the same problem as ever, kind of like go figure. Its often misspelled as Churchy la femme! - Im still hungry.- Cherchez la femme!   Cherchez la Femme French Meaning But its original meaning is much more sexist. The expression comes from the 1854 novel The Mohicans of Paris by Alexandre Dumas. Cherchez la femme, pardieu ! Cherchez la femme! The phrase is repeated several times in the novel. The French meaning is no matter what the problem may be, a woman is often the cause. Look for the mistress, the jealous wife, the angry lover... there is a woman at the root of each problem. - Je nai plus dargent. I no longer have money.- Cherchez la femme. Look for the woman - ie your wife must have spent it all. Beware French phrases that are commonly used by English  speakers, including voulez-vous coucher avec moi, ce soir, as they may be misused and offensive.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

What to Do If You Have a Bad College Professor

What to Do If You Have a Bad College Professor Perhaps the best way to kill the excitement of a new semester is realizing that one of your professors is not quite what you were hoping for. In fact, he or she might be downright bad. With so many other things to manage- not to mention a class to pass!- knowing what to do when you have a bad college professor can sometimes seem overwhelming. Luckily, even if youre totally stuck with Prof. How-Did-He-Get-This-Job, you still have some options for working around the situation. Switch Classes See if you still have time to switch classes. If you realize your situation early enough, you may have time to switch to another class or even postpone this class until a later semester (when a different professor takes it over). Check with the campus registrars office about the add/drop deadline and what other classes might be open. If you cant switch professors, see if you can just sit in on another lecture section. While this only works for large lecture classes, you might be able to attend a different professors lectures as long as you still go to your particular discussion sections/seminar. Many classes have the same daily reading and assignments, regardless of who the professor is. See if someone elses lecture or teaching style better matches with your own. Get Help Get help from other students. Chances are youre not alone in struggling with your professor. Check in with other students and see how you can help each other out: meetings after classes? study groups? sharing notes? helping to read each others papers or lab drafts?Get a tutor. Bad professors often can lead to bad grades. If you find yourself struggling, get a tutor as soon as possible. And dont be shy about it, either- would you feel worse asking for help now or possibly failing (and having to retake the class) again later? Check with a tutoring center, your residence hall staff, or any upper-class students about how to find a tutor as soon as possible. Drop the Class Remember that you have the option of dropping the class- by the deadline. Sometimes, no matter what you do, you cant make it work with a bad professor. If you need to drop the class, make sure you do so by the appropriate deadline. The last thing you need is a bad grade on your transcript on top of the bad experience. Speak With Someone If something serious is going on, speak to someone. There are bad professors that dont teach well, and then there are unfortunately bad professors who say offensive things in a classroom or who treat different kinds of students differently. If you think this is going on, talk to someone as soon as possible. Reach out to your adviser, your ​RA, other faculty members, the chair of the department, or even the ​dean or provost  to bring the situation to someones attention. Change Your Approach Take a moment to see how you can change your own approach to the situation. Are you stuck with a professor who you always disagree with? Turn those in-class debates into a well-researched argument paper for your next assignment. Do you think your professor has no idea what he or she is talking about? Show your mastery of the material by turning in a stellar lab report or ​research paper. Figuring out what you can do, no matter how minor, in dealing with a bad professor is a great way to at least feel like you have some control over the situation!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

3.Can terrorism be risk managed Discuss with reference to old and new Essay

3.Can terrorism be risk managed Discuss with reference to old and new forms of terrorism - Essay Example To actualize this threat, they may decide to harm one who opposes their candidate. The fact is that voting is secret and the bully knows that to increase the chances of his candidate winning, he has to ensure that there is increased pressure and more harm. This is how terrorism activity occurs (Samuels, 2008). To begin the essay, there are many other forms of evil deeds that are often confused with terrorism. These include murder, assassination, assault, battery, destruction of property, theft, robbery, rape, extortion and espionage. All these are not terrorism, but can be utilized by terrorists to conduct terrorism (Melisow, 2008). In these modern times, terrorism is used for political gains. Politics is not an individual game; rather, it involves a group. Most of these political activities are controlled by governments. This forms a soft target by the terrorists, who want to affect government activities and change the way a government performs by scaring people in a country (Melisow, 2008). This sentiment is echoed by Hoffman who states that terrorism is all about power; it’s the pursuit of power, its acquisition, and subsequent use for political change (2013). The old terrorism was practiced during the French revolution. Despite its modern-day use, it had a positive implication. It occurred during the period of 1793-1794 during the transient anarchical period of unrest, as a result of the 1789 uprising (Hoffman, 2013). Although the current world refers to it as terrorism, during the earlier times, it was known as an instrument used by the government of a new revolutionary state. Hoffman points out that â€Å"it was designed to consolidate the new government’s power by intimidating counter revolutionaries† (2013, p.3). It constituted the committee of general security and revolutionary tribunal. They were very powerful and had the ability to arrest and prosecute by form of death, anyone who tried to oppose the revolution. The earlier

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Socioautobiography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Socioautobiography - Essay Example I had to know how to protect myself, but part of that protection meant keeping interest off of me when it came to possible threats. In Queens, in the middle of New York City and surrounded by millions of people, there was never enough space for me to go off and have any time to myself. I had to learn to make my own privacy even when surrounded by other people. I believe this quality has benefited me well in improving my ability to focus in distracting situations. I always lived in a two-parent household. I always knew that my parents loved me, my two brothers, and each other very much. These positive memories from my childhood have given me a stable foundation on which to build the rest of my life. My parents' example of a healthy marriage gave me the guidance I needed in my life to understand how stable relationships and happy families are built. I plan to take this knowledge and pass this on to my own children someday, whenever I decide it is time to take that next step forward wit h my life. My mother worked as a social worker and my father was a police officer. They raised me and my siblings in an extremely value-oriented household. I was taught from an early age to respect others and also to respect authority. My parents also raised me with a deeply-held belief in social responsibility. It was not enough for my family and for me to live in the world without actively causing harm to anyone. I also needed to do something that bettered my community and improved the world around me. As a result of these teachings from my parents, my two brothers followed in my father’s footsteps and became police officers for the city of New York. However, I wanted to do something different with my life and my career than the rest of my family. I had just enough of a rebellious streak in me that I felt it was necessary to leave home and try something new. However, this rebellious tendency was not enough for me to let go of the values my parents had taught me. As a result , my career choice was to join the military, which is a value-oriented career but one that was very different from anything my parents or siblings had ever done. I thought the military was a perfect choice for me, since I could expand on my existing skills and beliefs while seeing new places and experiencing all kinds of new things. For my first year after basic training, however, I felt that joining the military had been a huge mistake, possibly the biggest mistake I had ever made in my life. I was a child of the urban environment where I had grown up. Being sent to places like the farming community out in rural Texas, the location to which I was originally deployed after training, was a major shock. I missed being surrounded by all the activity and the bustle of the city. I felt like there was nothing for me out there, surrounded by nothing but mountains and empty desert all the way to the horizon. I also missed my family members and the closeness I had shared with them during my childhood. My parents and siblings all still lived in New York City. In fact, most of them still live in the neighborhood where I was born. I rarely had a chance to see them. At that time, joining up with the military seemed like the worst thing that had ever happened to me. Unsurprisingly, during my time in the military I was sent overseas to serve in Iraq. I completed two tours of duty there. It was an experience that I will never be able

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Past Year Question Essay Example for Free

Past Year Question Essay PART A Public Awareness is the Key to Fight Pollution Pollution in the most basic form littering of rubbish or clogged drains to that of higher level such as dumping of hazardous waste and illegal logging, is chiefly attributed to lack of public awareness, so contends Minister of Natural Resources and Environment. As Malaysia joins the ranks of industrialized nations, pollution is fast becoming a menace that the country has to cope with. No amount of law can succeed in deterring people from polluting the environment so long as they are unaware about the adverse consequences of their action, he said. Although we have come down hard on the culprits, we can never be satisfied as we keep on raising the bar by benchmarking against developed nations in the likes of Japan, Sweden and New Zealand where every citizen is fully aware of their role in environmental preservation, he adds. As for water pollution, once a source of drinking water, many rivers in Malaysia have become dumping grounds for various types of hazardous wastes. Of all natural resources, water is the most severely threatened by pollution in this country. In 2006, gypsum, oil and hydrocarbon, dross, heavy metal sludge, mineral sludge and e-waste were the main categories of waste produced in the country. Of the total wastes produced, 110,814 metric tonnes were treated and disposed at Kualiti Alam Sdn Bhd, 9,360 metric tonnes (0.8%) at Trinekens (Sarawak) Sdn Bhd and 11,364 metric tonnes were incinerated at licensed off-site facilities. Source: Malaysian Business 16/9/2007 QUESTION 1 a) As Malaysia joins the ranks of industrialised nations, pollution is fast becoming a menace that the country has to cope with. Based on your knowledge on the Materials Balance Model, explain this statement. (5 marks) Â © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 3 BM/OCT 2010/ECO656/646 b) Water pollution in Malaysia is caused by point and non-point sources. What is the difference between the two? Which classification does the group of water pollution sources mentioned in the last paragraph of the article belong to? (5 marks) What type of pollution control method can be implied from paragraphs 2 and 3 in the article? Describe the method and give an example. (5 marks) Pollution is chiefly attributed to lack of public awareness. Assuming you are an environmental economist, do you agree or disagree with the statement? Elaborate. (5 marks) c) d) e) What is the difference between positive and normative economics? Suggest one sentence in the article that reflects a positive statement. (5 marks) Â © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL PARTB 4 BM/OCT 2010/ECO656/646 QUESTION 1 a) What is sustainable development? Define and illustrate with an example. (5 marks) b) How is green gross domestic product (GDP) different from the traditional GDP? What are the arguments for the use of green GDP as growth indicator? (10 marks) With the help of relevant diagram, explain social welfare in the form of consumer surplus. (10 marks) c) QUESTION 2 a) What is meant by allocative efficiency? Explain. (5 marks) b) How does a deposit-refund system work in controlling domestic solid waste disposal? Explain with the assistance of a diagram. (10 marks) Define deforestation and its causes. Why is accelerated deforestation a concern in many countries? (10 marks) c) QUESTION 3 a) Describe the occurrence of global warming. (5 marks) b) What are the challenges faced by countries in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in their countries? Explain. (10 marks) Explain the efforts done at international level to reduce ozone depletion problem. (10 marks) c) Â © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL QUESTION 4 5 BM/OCT 2010/ECO656/646 a) Market failure can be associated with externalities. Define market failure and externalities. (5 marks) Explain how free-ridership leads to market failure of a public good such as clean air. (10 marks) b) c) Palm oil refineries generate social cost to society in the form of smoke and particles. Explain and model in a diagram the efficient equilibrium for palm oil in the presence of these atmospheric emissions. (10 marks) QUESTION 5 Briefly explain the following: a) b) c) d) e) Explicit and implicit environmental costs (5 marks) Coase theorem (5 marks) Environmental Kuznets curve (5 marks) Polluter-Pay-Principle (5 marks) Acid deposition (5 marks) END OF QUESTION PAPER Â © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Casablanca :: Films Movies

Casablanca 1942, the year of the creation of one of the most historical movies known to date. That movie, Casablanca, based on the play "Everybody Wants to go to Rick's", still captivates audiences around the world. The setting of the movie is Casablanca, Morocco during the second world war. Casablanca is the jump off point to get to Spain and then to America, but refugees must obtain a fairly costly exit Visa to get onto the plane. In the middle of all this is Rick's cafe. Rick's former love Ilsa comes to Casablanca on her way to America and discovers Rick to be a resident there. The love triangle between Ilsa, her husband Laszlo, and Rick keeps the viewer in suspense until the very last minutes of the movie. This movie contains all the factors that a make a movie a classic. It has great performances by a top cast, a flawless script story line and director, and superb production techniques. In addition, it blends a raging love story with tormenting schemes which makes it one of ! the best Hollywood movies of all time. Casablanca was never expected to be a large scale movie. The script was written on a day to day basis even till the last few moments of the movie but despite all that, it made it bigger than any other movie in it's time. The movie took place in 1942 and was based around world war II which in reality was taking place as they filmed. It was because of the war that Rick and Ilsa were separated, and this was an idea that was not so far fetched and something that the audience could identify with. This was important because it captivated the audience and drew them in to see if Rick and Ilsa's undying love would ever be reunited. There are many classical quotes that were used in Casablanca, some of which we still hear being used today. The most famous of course would be 'here's looking at you kid", and who could forget, "play it again Sam", which later became a title for another film. "This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship", "but we'll always have Paris", "go ahead and shoot, you'll be doing me a favour", these are yet another three quotes which stuck in the minds of audiences everywhere. These quotes help keep the movie and the memories of the actors and actresses alive even fifty seven years after the original shooting. Let's not forget the variety of great music the viewer is Casablanca :: Films Movies Casablanca 1942, the year of the creation of one of the most historical movies known to date. That movie, Casablanca, based on the play "Everybody Wants to go to Rick's", still captivates audiences around the world. The setting of the movie is Casablanca, Morocco during the second world war. Casablanca is the jump off point to get to Spain and then to America, but refugees must obtain a fairly costly exit Visa to get onto the plane. In the middle of all this is Rick's cafe. Rick's former love Ilsa comes to Casablanca on her way to America and discovers Rick to be a resident there. The love triangle between Ilsa, her husband Laszlo, and Rick keeps the viewer in suspense until the very last minutes of the movie. This movie contains all the factors that a make a movie a classic. It has great performances by a top cast, a flawless script story line and director, and superb production techniques. In addition, it blends a raging love story with tormenting schemes which makes it one of ! the best Hollywood movies of all time. Casablanca was never expected to be a large scale movie. The script was written on a day to day basis even till the last few moments of the movie but despite all that, it made it bigger than any other movie in it's time. The movie took place in 1942 and was based around world war II which in reality was taking place as they filmed. It was because of the war that Rick and Ilsa were separated, and this was an idea that was not so far fetched and something that the audience could identify with. This was important because it captivated the audience and drew them in to see if Rick and Ilsa's undying love would ever be reunited. There are many classical quotes that were used in Casablanca, some of which we still hear being used today. The most famous of course would be 'here's looking at you kid", and who could forget, "play it again Sam", which later became a title for another film. "This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship", "but we'll always have Paris", "go ahead and shoot, you'll be doing me a favour", these are yet another three quotes which stuck in the minds of audiences everywhere. These quotes help keep the movie and the memories of the actors and actresses alive even fifty seven years after the original shooting. Let's not forget the variety of great music the viewer is

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

An Efficient Bio-key Management Scheme for Telemedicine Applications

An Efficient Bio-key Management strategy for Telemedicine Applications Abstraction: Checkup detector webs play a critical function for real-time wellness attention monitoring of telemedicine based applications. Telemedicine provide specialized health care audience to patients in distant locations. We use electronic information and communicating engineerings to supply and back up health care when the distance separate the participants. In order to guarantee the privateness and security of patient’s critical wellness information, it is indispensable to supply efficient cryptanalysis strategy. This paper presents a fresh Mamdani based Bio-Key Management ( MBKM ) technique, which assures existent clip wellness attention supervising with out any overhead. We present the simulation consequences to demo that the proposed MBKM strategy can accomplish greater security in footings of public presentation prosodies such as False Match Rate ( FMR ) , False Non Match Rate ( FNMR ) , and Genuine Acceptance Rate ( GAR ) than other recent bing attacks. Keywords:Healthcare, security, Medical detector webs, Key Management 1. Introduction Progresss in communicating engineerings, such as wearable and implantable biosensors, along with recent developments in the embedded computer science country are enabling the design, development, and execution of medical detector webs. This category of webs is paving the manner for the deployment of advanced health care monitoring applications. In the past few old ages, much of the research in the country of medical detector webs has focused on issues related to medical detector designs, detector miniaturisation, low-power detector circuitry, signal processing, and communications protocols. In this paper, we present a novel Mamdani based Bio-Key Management ( MBKM ) , which assures existent clip wellness attention supervising with less operating expense for telemedicine applications. Telemedicine means the distant medical expertness at the point of demand or medicate at distance. Telemedicine engineering is chiefly required for the people populating in rural countries, aged people and handicapped people [ 1 ] . We highlight some of the design challenges and unfastened issues that still need to be addressed to do medical detector webs genuinely everyplace. The development of telemedicine based health care applications presents assorted fresh challenges like dependable existent clip informations transportation, seasonableness, Energy and Power direction for a broad scope of applications [ 2 ] . Further using new engineerings in telemedicine applications without sing security facets like privateness, hallmark, confidentiality and unity as susceptible [ 3 ] . For illustration, the patient’s wellness information is delicate and escape of single patient’s personal informations could do him uncomfortable. Furthermore sometimes exposing wellness information may ensue in a individual losing his occupation or do it infeasible to obtain insurance protection [ 4 ] . Fig.1 explains the hazards to patient security in Body Area Network ( BAN ) . Here assorted detectors are implanted in the human organic structure to mensurate the critical marks like ECG, EEG, EMG, Blood force per unit area, glucose degree, etc. , can be connected to other detectors or to the control nodes. Further detectors transmit the patient information to a medical expertness utilizing wired or wireless engineering. Now the interloper may spy the patient informations and he can change or may post the information in societal sites, which pose hazards to patient’s security. Fig.1 Risks to patient security More significantly, Healthcare supplier must follow HIPAA ( Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ) regulations. Otherwise supplier is subjected to punishment [ 5 ] .So a patient security is a most of import anxiousness in telemedicine based health care applications. 2. Related Plants With the betterment of progress engineering invasive computer science is observed as cardinal engineering to help streaming medical informations communicating for telemedicine based applications with the aid of deploying detectors [ 6, 7 ] .Several solutions for medical information security have been proposed to protect the Body country web security. ECC ( Elliptic curve cryptanalysis ) , hardware encoding, TinySec and biometric methods are sorts of solutions discussed in [ 8 ] . Link layer encoding is achieved in the organic structure country web by TinySec attack [ 9 ] . If one medical detector releases the key or it acts as an aggressor, all the information in the Body country web will be released. Elliptic curve cryptanalysis ( ECC ) has been used in the radio detector webs [ 10, 11 ] . This public cardinal cryptographic technique requires more energy compared to symmetric cardinal cryptanalytic techniques. Biometricss obtained from the human organic structure to procure the key is proposed in [ 12 ] . Compared with cryptanalytic techniques, this technique cut down calculation and communicating cost. Electro cardio gm ( ECG ) and Photo plethysmogram ( PPG ) signals are used as first-class biometric characteristics to procure the informations in organic structure country web [ 13, 14 ] . The fuzzed vault strategy has been preponderantly used for biometric hallmark, such as fingerprints and iris image acknowledgment [ 15–17 ] . Fuzzy vault strategy play a major function to work out the job of security in telemedicine based applications. Fuzzy vault strategy is used in Phsiological Signal based Key Agreement ( PSKA ) to set up secured pairwise cardinal understanding between the nodes in Body country webs [ 18 ] , which solves chiefly the synchronism job and issues in characteristic reordering [ 19 ] . Biometric Encryption strategy is a cryptanalysis strategy which is used to keep the security of biometries and bring forth a strong key from biometries [ 20 ] . In this strategy, the husk points are non necessary to be added to convey, so the hold clip and energy ingestion is reduced. In [ 21 ] , the writer proposes new thought for message and user hallmark. This strategy compares present ECG signal with the antecedently recorded ECG templet to verify the individuality. Since the templet is inactive, this method provides hapless public presentation. The writers of the paper [ 22 ] propose ECG-IJS strategy to better hallmark of streaming medical information. The writer used characteristics of ECG signal to identify coevals for unafraid real-time medical informations communicating. 3. System Design Mamdani based Bio-key Management ( MBKM ) strategy is proposed based on the earlier treatment on ECG-IJS strategy. MBKM strategy is introduced to guarantee the security for streaming medical informations communicating in Telemedicine based applications. The proposed MBKM strategy is shown in Fig. 2. Fig. 2 MBKM strategy A novel proposed MBKM strategy is shown in Fig. 2 which uses organic structure country webs to give qui vive to the infirmary, even before the patient have critical jobs like bosom onslaught, glucose degree through mensurating alterations in their important marks as temperature of the patient, pulse rate, glucose degree, blood force per unit area and respiratory rate. Detectors, which are implanted in the patient’s organic structure step the degree of important marks and convey the parametric quantity values to medical expert working in the intensive bearer unit of the infirmary to take necessary actions to salvage the life of a patient. Intensive attention units are equipped with multi-modal proctors which are able to simultaneously step and expose the wellness position of the patient. In such instance, this important real-time medical information must be good sheltered against aggressors and security facets must be satisfied [ 23 ] . Health attention units with hapless security execution processs for telemedicine may take to incorrect diagnosing and intervention for the patient. The process at the transmitter side is given as follows: Electrocardiogram detector is used to detect the ECG signal from the human organic structure. Nyquist theorem at the rate of 120 Hz is applied on the ECG signal to take samples. 512 points Fast Fourier transform ( FFT ) is conducted on the sampled ECG informations. Since FFT procedure is symmetric foremost 256 coefficients are retained among 512 coefficients. All the extremum values on the extracted FFT coefficients are used as characteristics. A multinomial equation with degree N is constructed and the cardinal K is generated. Patient’s information is encrypted with the generated key K and hash value based on SHA-1 algorithm is calculated. Then sender sends the envelope contains the encrypted message, subset of coefficients and hash value to the receiving system. The process at the receiver side is described as follows: Similar to the transmitter, receiving system besides repeats the process to detect the ECG signal, try the signal and pull out the first 256 Feature coefficients. Then a new multinomial with degree M is constructed utilizing the standard coefficients and the multinomial on all points in characteristics to acquire a set of braces. Key at the receiving system K’ is reconstructed from received coefficients and the new hash value is calculated. Key K and hash value is compared with reconstructed cardinal K’ and new hash value. If the keys are same, so decrypted information is authenticated informations. Mamdani based Fuzzy illation system is playing a major function to guarantee security in telemedicine applications. Stairss for the design of fuzzed illation system are explained in the instance of multinomial grade 10 as follows: 1 ) Input signal variables are identified as I1, I2and end product variable is identified as Y. 2 ) Universe of discourse for the input variables are defined in the scope [ -0.01, -1e-16] and end product variable is defined in the scope [ 0,1 ] . 3 ) Linguistic label assigned for the interval spanned by each input variables in to a figure of fuzzed subsets are taken as S1, S2, S3, S4, S5,Second6, S7, S8, S9, S10. Linguistic label assigned for the interval spanned by each end product variables in to a figure of fuzzed subsets are taken as Yttrium1, Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5Yttrium6, Y7, Y8, Y9, Y104 ) Triangular rank map is assigned for each fuzzy subset. 5 ) Rule-base is formed by delegating the fuzzy relationship between inputs fuzzed subsets on the one manus and end products fuzzy subset on the other manus. If I1is S1and I2is S1so Y is Y1.If I1is S1and I2is S2so Y is Y2.If I1is S1and I2is S3so Y is Y3.If I1is S1and I2is S4so Y is Y4.If I1is S1and I2is S5so Y is Y5.If I1is S1and I2is S6so Y is Y6.If I1is S1and I2is S7so Y is Y7.If I1is S1and I2is S8so Y is Y8.If I1is S1and I2is S9so Y is Y9.If I1is S1and I2is S10so Y is Y10.In similar manner, wholly the 100 combinations of regulations are formed. 6 ) Fuzzy end products recommended by each regulation are aggregated. 7 ) Crisp end product is obtained by using one of the defuzzification technique called Centroid of country ( COA ) . Then utilizing this end product, parametric quantities like False Match Rate, False Non Match Rate and Genuine Acceptance Rate are calculated. 4. Simulation Consequences We validate the MBKM strategy by mensurating the parametric quantities like False Match Rate ( FMR ) , False Non Match Rate ( FNMR ) and Genuine Acceptance Rate ( GAR ) and Half Total Error Rate ( HTER ) . For this strategy, we downloaded 10 patient’s ECG signal for 10 seconds from MIT-BIH Arrhythmia database. We used MATLAB package tool to imitate the proposed MBKM strategy. ECG signals are used for coevals of cardinal and medical information like EEG, EMG, blood glucose degree, blood force per unit area degree etc. , can be send to medical expertness in existent clip for telemedicine based applications. The public presentation of FMR versus figure of patients is given inFig. 3. FMR value represents the chance that the system falsely matches the input form to a non-matching templet in the database. It measures the per centum of invalid inputs which are falsely accepted. So FMR value must be low for the stable system. This secret plan proves that False Match Rate is lower in the proposed MBKM strategy when compared to ECG-IJS strategy. Fig. 3 FMR versus Number of patients The public presentation of FNMR versus figure of patients is shown inFig. 4. FNMR value represents the chance that the system fails to observe a lucifer between the input form and a duplicate templet in the database. It measures the per centum of valid inputs which are falsely rejected.Stable system should give lower FNMR. This secret plan proves that False Non Match Rate is lower in the proposed MBKM strategy when compared to bing ECG-IJS strategy. Fig. 4 FNMR versus Number of patients The public presentation of GAR versus figure of patients is present inFig. 5.GAR value represents the fraction of hallmark efforts by echt users that are accepted. Stable system should give higher GAR. This secret plan proves that Genuine Acceptance Rate is higher in the proposed MBKM strategy when compared to the bing ECG-IJS strategy. Fig. 5 GAR versus Number of patients The public presentation of HTER versus figure of patients is present inFig. 6.HTER value represents the norm of False Match Rate and False Non Match Rate. Stable system should give low HTER. This secret plan proves that HTER is lower in the proposed MBKM strategy when compared to the bing ECG-IJS strategy. Fig. 6 HTER versus Number of patients 5. Decision Secure communicating is robustly required to continue a patient’s wellness privateness and safety in telemedicine based applications. In this paper, we present an efficient Mamdani based Bio-Key Management ( MBKM ) strategy for cardinal direction based security strategy in telemedicine based applications. This strategy makes the system stable system by supplying low FNMR, High GAR, low FMR and low HTER. This new strategy is less complex and is offers the security in footings of hallmark, informations confidentiality, informations unity. It remains future work to make energy analysis and implement nervous web attack to procure medical informations communicating for telemedicine applications. 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Sunday, November 10, 2019

Book of Acts Essay

The Book of Acts The book of Act was written by Saint Luke. The date of the writing is uncertain, but most scholars favor the period 8-90 A. D. Some people think that Acts represents normative guidelines for the New Testament church for all times. In this view I think it is agreeable for the book of acts just shows the ideal church with corresponding beliefs and values. This kind of church should be present to all even up to the present times. This book, in which St. Luke records the actions of the apostles, particularly of St. Peter and St. Paul, (whose companion in travel he was,) is as it were the centre between the Gospel and the Epistles. It contains, after a very brief re-capitulation of the evangelical history, a continuation of the history of Christ, the event of his predictions, and a kind of supplement to what he had before spoken to his disciples, by the Holy Ghost now given unto them. It contains also the seeds, and first stamina of all those things, which are enlarged upon in the epistles. The Gospels treat of Christ the head. The Acts show that the same things befell his body; which is animated by his Spirit, persecuted by the world, defended and exalted by God. In this book is shown the Christian doctrine, and the method of applying it to Jews, heathens, and believers; that is, to those who are to be converted, and those who are converted: the hindrances of it in particular men, in several kinds of men, in different ranks and nations: the propagation of the Gospel, and that grand revolution among both Jews and heathens: the victory thereof, in Spite of all opposition, from all the power, malice, and wisdom of the whole world, spreading from one chamber into temples, houses, streets, markets, fields, inns, prisons, camps, courts, chariots, ships, villages, cities, islands: to Jews, heathens, magistrates, generals, soldiers, eunuchs, captives, slaves, women, children, sailors: to Athens, and at length to Rome. Others view it as only descriptive for the 1st century church. Descriptive in the sense that it only describes the pattern and how the church worked during that period of time. The term â€Å"Acts† is not used, as it is sometimes with us, to denote decrees or laws or having to describe it, but it denotes the doings of the apostles. It is a record of what the apostles did in founding and establishing the Christian church. It is worthy of remark, however, that it contains a record of the doings of Peter and Paul. Peter was commissioned to open the doors of the Christian church to both Jews and Gentiles, and Paul was chosen to bear the gospel especially to the pagan world. As these two apostles were the most prominent and distinguished in founding and organizing the Christian church, it was deemed proper that a special and permanent record should be made of their labors. While some think that it is both a normative guidelines and a description of the church of the 1st century. At the beginning of the book the author states his purpose and that is to explain to Theophilus, and to the world, how Christianity arose and began its sweep across the earth. By this time Christianity appeared to be on the way to becoming a world religion, and some account of its beginning was needed so that it might appeal to cultured and learned people. It talks about the Day of Pentecost, empowered by the Holy Spirit; the apostles take the Good News of Jesus Christ throughout the Mediterranean world. The title is misleading, for Acts is not a record of all the original disciples of Jesus. The book gives the early history of Christianity from Christ’s ascension outside Jerusalem to Paul’s visit in Rome. Chapters 1-12 stress the work of Peter in Judea and nearby lands, mainly among Jews. Chapters 13- 28 tell of the far- ranging missionary preaching of Paul, mainly to gentiles. In my opinion it is a normative guideline for the New Testament church. In the book of Acts, it is shown how the people and the believer should act before God. All antiquity is unanimous in ascribing this book to Luke as its author. It is repeatedly mentioned and quoted by the early Christian writers, and without a dissenting voice is mentioned as the work of Luke. The same thing is clear from the book itself. It professes to have been written by the same person who wrote the Gospel of Luke, Ac 1:1; was addressed to the same person, and bears manifest marks of being from the same pen. It is designed evidently as a continuation of his Gospel, as in this book he has taken up the history at the very time where he left it in the Gospel, Ac 1:1, 2. It also shows that the Holy Spirit is really with His people if they will ask from it, for the Holy Spirit will be their comforter and friend. The church nowadays should be guided by the Holy Spirit for a strong foundation. The gospel should be well delivered and evangelized throughout the world by the believers. They should acts upon what is right just like what Paul and Peter did in the book of Acts where in they weren’t afraid to spread the good news among all people. This book has commonly been regarded as a history of the Christian church, and of course the first ecclesiastical history that was written. But it cannot have been designed as a general history of the church. Many important transactions have been omitted. It gives no account of the church at Jerusalem after the conversion of Paul; it omits his journey into Arabia, Gad 1:17; gives no account of the propagation of the gospel in Egypt, or in Babylon, 1Pe 5:13; of the foundation of the church at Rome; of many of Paul’s voyages and shipwrecks, 2Co 11:25; and omits to record the labors of most of the apostles, and confines the narrative chiefly to the transactions of Peter and Paul. References: 1. Book of Acts. New Standard Encyclopedia. Volume 2. Pages 355-356. 2. Youth Bible. Holy Bible Contemporary English Version, Global Edition. Pages 861-871 3. Acts of the Apostles. Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Acts_of_the_Apostles

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Shakespeare And Olds Poetry Comparison

The way in which people handle growing old can be very different. William Shakespeare and Sharon Olds, however, have very similar ideas of losing youth. In â€Å"Sonnet 73,† Shakespeare discusses what growing old means to him and ends with a plea to the person he wrote the poem to. â€Å"35/10† is a comparison poem of a daughter coming of age and a mother who is leaving that time behind. The metaphors and similes used in the imagery and careful word choice used by Shakespeare and Sharon add to the images and feel in their discussions of growing old. The exercise of metaphors and similes is vital to the full meanings of the poems because they are used to give the reader very strong images. Each author uses several to make their feelings of growing old more impacting. Sharon Olds uses them in the way that she compares her daughter’s youth to her lack of youth. The poem chronologically goes through the process of the mother realizing and understanding that while she loses her youth, her daughter gains it. The first image she uses is stated very well and gives the reader a good understanding of the poem right of the bat. â€Å"Why is it/ just as we begin to go/ they begin to arrive.† (line 4-6) Then Olds starts to compare the daughter to the mother. â€Å"The fold in my neck/ clarifying as the fine bones of her hips sharpen.† (line 6-8) This image is important because it signifies that the young girl is starting to grow into her womanly figure by developing more pronounced hips. The next image describe s the mother’s skin star! ting to go and the daughter’s skin starting to bloom â€Å"like a small/ pale flower on the tip of a cactus.† (line 9-10) The simile used here provides a very descriptive image, making it easier to picture how the daughter is blossoming into her youthful stage of womanhood. Then Olds continues to describe this through the next image. â€Å"As my last chances to bear a child/ are falling through my bod... Free Essays on Shakespeare And Olds Poetry Comparison Free Essays on Shakespeare And Olds Poetry Comparison The way in which people handle growing old can be very different. William Shakespeare and Sharon Olds, however, have very similar ideas of losing youth. In â€Å"Sonnet 73,† Shakespeare discusses what growing old means to him and ends with a plea to the person he wrote the poem to. â€Å"35/10† is a comparison poem of a daughter coming of age and a mother who is leaving that time behind. The metaphors and similes used in the imagery and careful word choice used by Shakespeare and Sharon add to the images and feel in their discussions of growing old. The exercise of metaphors and similes is vital to the full meanings of the poems because they are used to give the reader very strong images. Each author uses several to make their feelings of growing old more impacting. Sharon Olds uses them in the way that she compares her daughter’s youth to her lack of youth. The poem chronologically goes through the process of the mother realizing and understanding that while she loses her youth, her daughter gains it. The first image she uses is stated very well and gives the reader a good understanding of the poem right of the bat. â€Å"Why is it/ just as we begin to go/ they begin to arrive.† (line 4-6) Then Olds starts to compare the daughter to the mother. â€Å"The fold in my neck/ clarifying as the fine bones of her hips sharpen.† (line 6-8) This image is important because it signifies that the young girl is starting to grow into her womanly figure by developing more pronounced hips. The next image describe s the mother’s skin star! ting to go and the daughter’s skin starting to bloom â€Å"like a small/ pale flower on the tip of a cactus.† (line 9-10) The simile used here provides a very descriptive image, making it easier to picture how the daughter is blossoming into her youthful stage of womanhood. Then Olds continues to describe this through the next image. â€Å"As my last chances to bear a child/ are falling through my bod...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to Become a Resident Adviser (RA)

How to Become a Resident Adviser (RA) You may have wanted to be a resident adviser or resident assistant (RA) since the moment you first moved on campus or you may just want to explore the idea. Either way, youve ideally carefully considered the pros and cons of the position and are now looking to get your application in. What should you expect? And how can you be sure that your application stands out from the crowd? The RA application process varies, so youll need to check with the office that manages residence life at your college to get to know the specific requirements at your school. While this may not be the exact process you experience, the following overview can help you prepare to apply and interview for an RA position. Step One: The  Application What youll be asked to do: Most colleges and universities have prospective RAs fill out a several-page application, either online or in hard copy. Youll be asked about your involvement on campus, why you want to be an RA, what your leadership experience has been  and what  goals youd like to accomplish as an RA.What theyre looking for: Residence life professional staff are looking for people who come from a wide range of experiences. Be honest about what youve been involved in, where your interests are  and what youre most passionate about. Conversely, if you havent been that involved, be honest about that- and that you are now looking to become more involved in an RA role (and why). Your new potential boss(es) will be looking for people who are engaged with their community, want to be a part of building a community and are thoughtful about their role on campus.   Step Two: The Group Interview What youll be asked to do: You may be asked to participate in a  group interview, where youll be put in a small group with other applicants. Youll most likely have to introduce yourself and participate in team-building and problem-solving exercises- all while being observed.What theyre looking for: Your potential new employers are looking for candidates who work well with others, who are self-confident, who listen well, and who demonstrate leadership skills. Remember, however, that this doesnt mean you have to worry about leading your team through a possible challenge; leaders can also be quiet people in the background who see common ground, can help mediate conflict and provide positive reinforcement for others who may be struggling. Just make sure to be yourself while doing your best to work well with those in your group. Step Three: The Individual Interview What youll be asked to do: Youll have a much smaller interview with one (or two) full-time residence life staff members where youre the only candidate present. (This actually may come before or after a group interview, if there is one.) While this may sound nerve-racking, it can actually be less stressful than the group interview process. Youll be asked questions similar to the ones you saw on the  application you first submitted.What theyre looking for: This is the most important time to be yourself, as your interviewer(s) is most likely looking for someone who is a good listener and that can make other people comfortable. Make sure to be relaxed and friendly, make good eye contact  and be honest in your answers. Additionally, be prepared to think on your feet: Your interviewer(s) may ask you how youd handle a variety of scenarios an RA may encounter or ask you to share an experience where you helped mediate a conflict.  Keep yourself focused and do your best to communicate th at youre a smart, friendly, helpful person that will make a great addition to next years RA  staff. And dont forget to bring some questions of your own!

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Edit lesson Plan 2 and 5 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Edit lesson Plan 2 and 5 - Assignment Example After the story, the children will engage in a game of treasure hunt - just like in the story - but this time wearing a leprechaun mask as if they were a leprechaun; and be the first to shout â€Å"We found it!† once they find all 5 treasures. The students will be motivated to participate in the game of treasure hunt as their curiosity will be aroused on what treasure they will discover. 9:03 – Teacher will say that in order to find the leprechaun, they have to read the story of St. Patrick’s Day (holding the book in her hand). The teacher will read the story, showing the lift-the-flap pages. As the teacher reads the story, the teacher will identify 3 important figures/objects in the story and say its name out loud (as the teacher encounters it through the pages of the story) and have the class repeat the word. 9:10 – Teacher is done reading the story, and begins to distribute the leprechaun masks. As the teacher distributes the masks, she will tell the students that they are now leprechauns who will go treasure hunting. 9:12 – Teacher will divide them into Group Coins & Group Shamrocks. Group Coins will get coin map. Group Shamrock will get shamrock map. The teacher will now lay down the instructions for the activity to the students. certain the students do not forget the phrase, the teacher will ask â€Å"What will you shout after finding all 5 treasures?† this way, the children would have to shout back the phrase â€Å"We found it!† The teacher will then ask the class what they think of the treasure that they found in the map, whether or not the treasure was easy to find; were they able to find all 5 treasures before the rainbow disappeared; ask whose group shouted â€Å"We found it!† after finding all the treasures; do the student’s like the story of St. Patrick’s Day, do they like the masks, and other questions that will draw responses from the students in relation to the activity or the